KEVIN PETER HALL Career Highlights
PREDATOR PREDATOR 2 As the titular dreadlocked, vagina-faced alien creature, Kevin kicked some sincere ass, with a list of confirmed kills including (between the two movies) Apollo Creed, the guy who wrote LETHAL WEAPON, the Indian guy from 48 HRS., renowned musician and artist Ruben Blades, weaselly guy inexplicably turned leading man Bill Paxton, creepy dude Gary Busey, and the Governor of Wisconsin. Good show, my man. Let them laser beams shine. HARRY & THE HENDERSONS Kevin's lethal grace as the Predator is here supplanted by an oafish geniality as Sasquatch, rechristened Harry. The gentleness of his performance here fairly begs the question: does the Predator harbor the gentle soul of Bigfoot misunderstood? Or does Harry posess the keen eye and stony heart of the huntsmanly Predator? The world will wonder ... MISFITS OF SCIENCE Kevin was on Misfits of Science. He played a man named El, who would go from seven feet tall to seven inches tall by pressing the back of his neck. He could only do it once a day, and it only lasted an hour. That's understandable, though. For further information about our 12.7.00 DSFC Weekly Salute, KEVIN PETER HALL: KEVIN PETER HALL at IMDB If you're a fan of KEVIN PETER HALL, or just wanna rap a little about KEVIN PETER HALL, email us at: BACK TO THE TOP: 