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Lynch's Midtown Tavern Bar & Grill

We hope in the coming months to learn how to sell beer through this page through streaming technology. Until then we will keep you posted on the goingson of our little place o' drunk.

We have proudly served our community for over twenty years. We Have proudly served them alchohol! Occasionally, the occasional other item gets sold, but of course, what do you need to wash it down? So come on in and get one!

We have no idea what we're doing!

This is our first You Are-El, which we are informed is not a descendant of Superman. Bear with us as we play with this Innernet.

Brad and Marsha anjoy some apple fritters.

No need to dress up at our place! Of course, shoes and pants are always reccommended. That means you, Carl!

Visit our gracious hosts:


Here we might include a Guestbook Web Gem so we can keep track of visitors to this site, if somebody will tell us how that sort of thing is done.